Please be aware that Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulations has adopted new retroactive requirements for all Florida building owner’s elevators and escalators that is due by December 31, 2023. Included in these requirements is the need for door lock monitoring (DLM), a system to monitor and prevent automatic operation of the elevators in the presence of faulty door contact circuits.
Dear Elevator Licensee or Elevator Personnel,
The Bureau of Elevator Safety has adopted new ASME Elevator Safety Code A17.3-2015, Safety Code for Existing Elevators. Part of this new Safety Code includes Section 3.10 Operating Devices and Control Equipment, Requirement 3.10.12 System to Monitor and Prevent Automatic Operation of the Elevator with Faulty Door Contact Circuits. All conveyances licensed by the State of Florida Bureau of Elevator Safety, including those located within the 5 contracted jurisdictions must be in compliance of the above Code by December 31, 2023. The Bureau of Elevator Safety encourages all owners of conveyances licensed by the State of Florida or any of its 5 Contracted Jurisdictions to contact your Elevator Company to discuss what your conveyances will need in order to comply with this section of A17.3-2015.
Bureau of Elevator Safety
Door Lock Monitoring
Door Lock Monitoring (DLM) is a critical requirement for all Florida based elevators. Most microprocessor-based controllers built after 2000 either come with monitor circuitry already installed or can be connected to devices that have door fault-monitoring capability. Florida however unfortunately has many elevators currently using equipment installed prior to the mandate, which will require additional equipment installations to meet the code requirements.
What is DLM?
Elevators are designed to close their doors and depart from a landing, because the elevator controller sends a signal to do so. DLM is an additional system designed to monitor the existing entrance safety components for proper operation, adding an extra layer of protection for the end-user.
In order for the elevator to function as it is intended, safety criteria must be met. The DLM system monitors the interconnection and the position of the hoist and car doors in correlation to the position of the elevator in the shaftway. If for any reason, there is a compromise to this process, the elevator will shut down, allowing the passenger to exit safely.
The most updated elevators meet the new Florida code provision by constantly monitoring the car and preventing operation with the doors open. And the Nouveau Link system allows you to monitor all of your elevator performance remotely 24/7 365 days a year.
What you need to know:
Since there are over 80,000 elevators in Florida with limited elevator companies and support, building owners need to take steps now to evaluate their systems and ensure they are in compliance, as the wait time for upgrades will only get longer as the deadline nears. The age of your elevator equipment will determine the extent of work required to get your equipment into compliance. Nouveau has successfully done thousands of DLM upgrades to date and is the largest independent provider in the nation providing a level of DLM expertise that is unprecedented.
Our Door Lock Monitoring System is designed to work with any controller, regardless of the voltage or the logic of signals. Fully code compliant. Our expert engineer team will prepare the old print and show detailed, code compliant modifications on it. Not complying with the required DLM mandate can result in loss of service, as well as expensive fines, canceled insurance coverage, legal liabilities and massive inconveniences to tenants, guests and employees.
Regardless of whether you are targeting the upcoming 2023 compliance deadline, or being proactive and considering future modernizations, you should move quickly and consult Nouveau Florida on how best to address the situation. It can take up to six weeks just to obtain the necessary permits to proceed. Waiting much longer could risk failure to meet the compliance deadline, resulting in fines and potential exposure to additional liabilities. Schedule your NOUVEAU DLM elevator review today. (1-877-NOUVEAU or email us at with one of our NOUVEAU Florida team members)
The Best Kept Secret: Your Nouveau DLM system not only meets code but also includes the option for Remote Monitoring via The Nouveau Link, as well as Covid safety enhancements such as The Custom Touchless Link, which allows passengers to select a floor without having to physically touch any buttons!
(Please see our website for more information on Nouveau Link and The Custom Touchless Link by Nouveau).
Make an appointment now with Nouveau to ensure that your elevators meet full DLM compliance – Call us at 877-NOUVEAU or Fill Out The Contact Form Here